Monday, March 31, 2008

A little more research...

I've been struggling quite a bit lately, due to the cleansing my body is going through from the last revision. Today is one of those days where I'm struggling to do anything besides sit at my computer and hold my head in my hands and wonder when the spinning and off-balance feelings will stop. I figured as long as I was here, I was going to do some more research and found this website. Here's a symptoms list I want to share with you from it, since it's MY symptom list. I have every single one of those symptoms!!
  • Chronic pain throughout the muscles and tendons or any soft tissues of the body
  • Chronic malaise – general feeling of discomfort, fatigue, and illness
  • Brain fog – state of forgetfulness and confusion
  • Chronic infections such as Candida
  • Gastrointestinal complaints, such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, heartburn, and indigestion
  • Food allergies
  • Dizziness
  • Migraines and/or headaches
  • Visual disturbances
  • Mood swings, depression, and/or anxiety
  • Nervous system malfunctions – burning extremities, numbness, tingling, paralysis, and/or an electrifying feeling throughout the body
There isn't one of these that I don't have something from each entry if not all of it. It's both a relief to see and also very troubling. A relief that there is documentation once again of symptoms based on mercury toxicity due to amalgam fillings. Troubling that the ADA and the FDA are not admitting that people are being poisoned by something they are claiming to be safe.

Are you plagued with any of these symptoms and not sure why? Do you have amalgam fillings or been exposed to heavy metals at all? I'd sure like to hear about it. Would you please do me a favor after you've read this post and leave me a comment (or email me at I'd just like to know how many people I'm reaching and if I've helped anyone along the way.

I also came across a website the other day that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with amalgam fillings, but I found it beneficial for learning how to heal my body from all of the trauma it's been through. It's There are so many good things I can do for myself after the amalgam is gone (and even before) that I'm looking forward to the healing process and finally being well after all these years. Check out the website even if you don't think you're mercury toxic - you could learn alot about your digestive system! I signed up for the newsletter emails and got a great audio download that also explained a lot, and I think anyone who signs up for the newsletter gets the audio recording.


Anonymous said...

I had all of those symptoms too and some more (ear ringing, vertigo, irregular heartbeat, blood disorder). After 9 years, I was finally diagnosed with mercury toxicity. I got my fillings out (had a bad reaction) and have been getting better ever since. Much better. Good luck.

Laurie said...

I'm so happy to hear you're getting better! I hope that I will get better, too. Thanks so much for stopping by and posting!