Monday, July 30, 2007

The List

Last night I ran across the complete list of symptoms that have been helped by mercury removal. Now notice I said "have been helped"...not always is mercury the culprit. But if you're having any of these issues and you have amalgam (silver) fillings, it could certainly be a problem. Don't just run out and have the fillings removed before doing some research, though. It's important to find a dentist who will know how to remove them properly with the right equipment. It's also important to have a doctor who understands the dangers of mercury in the body and who will support what you will be doing. My naturopath doctor is quite intelligent and a good man, and has been helping me through this craziness from the beginning of my illness, but we've still struggled along the way because at first he wasn't sure what was going on with me. Anyway, here's the list. It's quite extensive. As I was looking through it last night I realized that I have more "new" symptoms that were replaced with the ones that have gone away. They are in no particular order:

unexplained anemia
learning difficulty
memory problems
inability to concentrate
inner ear pain
allergic dermatitis
excessive salivation
rash of hands and feet
autoimmune diseases
amylotrophic lateral schlerosis (ALS - Lou Gherig's disease)
ankylosing spondylitis
myasthenia gravis
parkinsons disease
schizophrenia spectrum disorders
borderline personality disorder
panic attacks
endocrine problems
obsessive-compulsive disorder
manic depressive disorder
rheumatoid arthritis
juvenile arthritis
environmental illness
irritable bowel syndrome
crohn's disease
sleep disorders
anorexia nervosa
lowered libido
lack of self confidence
mood swings
chronic fatigue
digestive problems
hormonal disturbances
thyroid dysfunction
frequent headaches
neck pain
metallic taste
bad breath
chronic sinus congestion
skin eruptions
brain fog
food sensitivity
vision disturbances
cold sores
dark spots on gums (amalgam tattoos)
gums that bleed easily
mouth soreness
nasal congestion
low body temperature
tender muscles
antisocial nature
allergy to foods
multiple sclerosis
sensitive teeth
diverticular disease
weakened immune system
pharyingitis (strep throat)
canker sores
high total cholesterol
kidney disease
chronic renal insufficiency
night sweats
dry skin
cold hands and feet
male hair loss
female hair loss
bulging eyes from hyperthyroidism
delayed/early/late puberty onset
bruxism (clenching/grinding teeth)
multiple chemical sensitivities
blood conditions
antibiotic resistant infection
tachycardia and heart problems
cancer (hodgkins lymphoma)
chronic eye conditions: inflamation, iritis, astigmatism, myopia, cataracts, macula degeneration
skin conditions
urinary/prostrate problems
hearing loss

Now remember I said that some of these conditions have been helped by mercury removal. I am not saying that mercury is the end-all answer for these symptoms, just that many people have felt relief when the mercury was removed from their bodies. Huggins states that 90% of the population is sensitive to mercury. The United States happens to be the only country that has not banned its use in dental fillings. Hmmm....I wonder why it seems the U.S. is running into the most "new" health problems and there are constant concerns that our schools are not turning out enough smart kids? I'll leave you with that thought.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Some food for thought....

Today I sat and re-read again most of the Hal Huggins book "It's All In Your Head". I realized there was much I forgot about when reading it two times before. One of the signs of mercury poisoning is loss of short term memory. I'm not surprised at all that I have to read something over and over again to get any of it to stick in my brain. It's been like that since I was a child (and I had amalgam fillings placed at a very young age).

I got curious about him possibly having a website, so I started searching and found it. Dr. Huggins started researching the effects of mercury toxicity in the 70's, and as far as I know has only written the two books that I own, "It's All In Your Head" and "Uninformed Consent". Both are excellent for information regarding mercury toxicity, and it's again shedding some light on root canals that I had forgotten about as well. I'm not so sure now having my two root canals done was the right thing to do after all! I am hoping to do more research on it and find out. In the meantime, I will continue on getting rid of the amalgam first. If I don't start seeing improvement in a about a year when that is gone, then I'll consider having the root canal-ed teeth pulled, but we'll see.

Here also is a website listing the Huggins books as well as a few others.

Today what stuck with me the most as I read was the way mercury can cause chronic fatigue. I've been anemic since I was for sure a teen, maybe younger. I've always been tired, and I was intrigued (once again) to learn of how mercury finds its way to the bloodstream and blocks oxygen from getting to where it needs to go in the body by taking the oxygen's place in the hemoglobin and forces it to be discharged from the body instead. I am not sure where he said it, but Dr. Huggins mentioned in one of his two books an easy way to understand what mercury does in the body. If you think of a specific area of your body, say the blood and oxygen, think of the blood as a toy and the oxygen as a battery. What mercury does is pretend to be a "battery" and sneaks into the spot where the oxygen is supposed to go. Now the oxygen has nowhere to go, and the mercury doesn't work at all like a battery. The rest of the body doesn't recognize this toy (just like a kid no longer wants to play with a toy when there are no batteries to make it work), and ignores it. The body still needs oxygen for energy, so it compensates by making more blood cells. Unfortunately if mercury is still available in the system, it will continue to keep sneaking in before the oxygen can. This makes sense from a medical standpoint as well, because in blood tests of a mercury toxic patient who is feeling fatigued, the tests will not show signs of anemia on paper. The body is faking out the tests because there is enough hemoglobin, just not enough oxygen attached to it.

Just some food for thought for today. :)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Stiff & Sore

Have you ever woken up several times a night to roll over because you've become stiff and sore? It's been happening to me alot lately. I don't think it helps that my neck and head are still not right even with the adjustment from the chiropractor. I'm feeling somewhat better overall since the incidences of dizzy spells are significantly down, but last night while I was out on a date with Sparky, I found it difficult not to have my hand up by my face giving support to my head all evening. I imagine I will be needing another adjustment this coming week to do some more fixing.

There's some information in Dr. Hal Huggin's book Uninformed Consent that explains this phenomena of chiropractic adjustments not "holding" due to mercury toxicity. I actually was quite relieved to read that there may come a day for me that I won't have to visit the chiropractor so often because my adjustments will last longer than the one to two weeks (sometimes only days) it has been. For a few short months after my second revision (one section of my teeth was worked on and replaced with composite) I was actually feeling great still when I would go to my scheduled appointment. It didn't continue, however, after the last revision I had. Let me explain.

My last dental revision turned into a month-long ordeal with a lot of pain. When the dentist worked on removing the amalgam, he found the decay under the filling to have gone down and opened up the root of two of my teeth. He tried cleaning them out and saving them from further work and costs, but the roots had had enough. I ended up having a root canal on both teeth within a short amount of time. I ended up having an infection in one and was given antibiotics to clean it out. When done, I started feeling a little better for about a week. Then I visited my doctor, who decided he would give me 10 other strains of antibiotics to clean my system out further (it was in electrical form from a special machine). It took me two weeks and the worst cold I have ever had to get beyond feeling absolutely terrible everyday. Then I slowly started feeling better, but was still struggling with a lot of symptoms. After about a month, I noticed that my visual problems (looking through a fish bowl effect) was getting better. I was feeling pretty happy about that, but I was still having dizzy spells. Slowly, those started to diminish as well. I had even done a little driving, and was getting more confident in doing so. Of course with moving ahead there always seems to be some sort of setback. About two weeks ago, my family and I had gone to an antique car show that also featured drag racing. The engines were loud, but didn't seem to bother me too much. I was more concerned with my kids' ears than mine, and didn't do anything because I didn't think it was a problem for me. By the end of the weekend I was having visual issues again. Was it just coincidence, or do my ears have something to do with the vision? If it's vertigo, then yes, it's possible. Whether or not sound has anything to do with it is a whole different question entirely. It seemed to last only a few days and I started seeing more "normal" again, but last weekend with the onset of a headache and stiff neck, I moved my head in such a way that my neck "popped" and even though it relieved the headache immediately, it replaced it with the worst dizzy spell I've had yet. Hence, the trip to the chiropractor this week to find a ligament hugely out of line.

So, that's where I am today with the neck stiffness and soreness. It's really not that surprising, just so frustrating that I had made some great strides in feeling better, that I had such a setback. I am hoping that it's only temporary, and that those things might permanently go away so that I can remove them from my symptoms list.

I realize that I haven't talked much about mercury today, but I think that with just reading my day to day "diary", you'll get the picture of what a person with possible mercury poisoning goes through. Some day soon I will post the entire list of symptoms/illnesses from the Cutler book that have been relieved by dental revision (removing amalgam from the teeth and replacing with composite). You can see if you fit enough of the symptoms to consider having your own dental revision done.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Good day! Thanks for stopping by again! I do want to introduce you to the rest of the family so that when I share about them you'll know who I'm talking about. My husband is "Sparky" (not to be confused with Chevy Chase's character from the National Lampoons Movies!). My oldest child is "Peanut", my youngest "Doshi"...and we have two four-legged friends. The big one is "Shadow" (she fits it to a T!), and the other one is "Pretty Kitty". They are all (except Pretty Kitty) camping fanatics, too, so they'll hang around the campfire with us from time to time.

I'm hoping today is a better day. I went in for a chiropractic adjustment last night because I was having constant dizzy spells since last Saturday. My chiropractor found a ligament in my neck that was so out of line it was protruding out of the left side of my neck. She adjusted it back into place along with a lot of others that were out. I felt sore in my neck area and a lot of pressure still in my head after it, but I had no dizzy spells the rest of the evening. I did, however, have two small dizzy spells upon waking this morning while laying in bed. I probably slept wrong and sent the ligament out of alignment again. We'll see how the day goes.

Here is an article I found today that might be of some interest. I of course lean toward the belief that mercury (in any form) is harmful to the body, and when I find articles that tout the safety of amalgam, I note that they are most likely written by someone from the ADA (or a subsidiary of) and can't change their statements to the public because if they admit at all that mercury is unstable in any form, they would be liable to millions and millions of lawsuits.

I must get on with my day. I hope yours is going well, and I'll be back real soon...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Mercury meltdown...

I am new to the blog scene. Welcome to my campsite, and pull a chair up to the campfire - I hope your stay is comfortable, and I can be of help with the information I have, and maybe make a new friend or two along the way. I am hoping to be candid and share my daily struggles with you, and it also will be a diary for me so that I can see how far I've gotten in a year or two. And maybe someday I will be a truly happy camper!

I believe I have been poisoned by mercury due to amalgam fillings. I started getting sick in 2005, and I have struggled ever since then with constant issues. In 2006 I started having the amalgam fillings replaced with composites (a total of 26 amalgam fillings in 10 teeth, and 5 crowns with amalgam hidden underneath). I have about 6 fillings to go, and 4 of the crowns.

I have a desire to help others who are dealing with the same problems as me, to help them find the correlation with amalgam and illness if that's what they are experiencing. Don't get me wrong, amalgam toxicity is NOT the answer to all health problems that have these same symptoms, but it can very seriously be what's wrong with many who are sensitive to mercury.
So many things have changed for me in the last two years. I spend my days at home with my kids (who are young) because my ability to drive is absolutely nil due to dizzy spells and visual issues. I also suffer daily with different symptoms that cause me to not feel well most of the time. I pray that someone will want to read what I have to share and will be helped from it. Even if it's just one person, I'll know I've made a difference.

I would like to share the symptoms I started having two years ago, and where I am today.

-food intolerances/diagnosed with digestive failure
-fatigue, tire easily
-irritability with restlessness
-knot in throat,difficulty swallowing, breathing
-shortness of breath/tightness in chest
-neck sensitivity
-chest pain (soreness)
-occasional loss of circulation in arms & left leg at night
-frequent metal taste in mouth
-bad breath
-both arms below elbows ache, feel heavy/muscle weakness
-occasional heartburn
-frequent burping, indigestion
-inner ears hurt occasionally
-jaw/teeth ache occasionally
-frequent nausea
-frequent back & neck pain
-rash on legs,elbows, left side of neck
-poor memory
-brain fog
-inability to concentrate
-occasional extreme thirst,dry throat
-occasional palpitations
-lack of confidence
-mood swings
-vision disturbances/dizziness
-body temperature below normal (98.2)
-frequently cold hands and feet, but occasional feeling of feet burning
-occasional night sweats
-unexplained anemia
-occasional eye twitching
-occasional bloating
-painful mensus
-motion sickness
-skin eruptions
-zinc deficiency

Since I am about half-way done with dental revisions, I will also include what my symptom list looks like now.

-frequent irritability (feels like finger nails across a chalkboard x3)
-sensory overload (''feel'' words/sounds/sensitive to touch)
-occasional feeling of suffocation/chest soreness
-vision disturbances (wobbly-like looking in a fish bowl)
-dizzy spells(vertigo?)
-chronic fatigue
-frequent anxiousness
-frequent chills/cold
-fatigue, tire easily
-neck sensitivity
-occasional indigestion
-occasional nausea
-poor memory
-brain fog
-inability to concentrate
-occasional palpitations
-lack of confidence
-don’t like to be alone
-mood swings
-unpredictable mensus/pms
-motion sickness
-skin eruptions
-bad breath
-occasional extreme thirst, dry throat
-zinc deficiency

As you can see, some symptoms have gone away, while new ones have been added. The original list that I was able to compare my symptoms to is in a book from Andrew Hall Cutler entitled Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment. I have also read books by Dr. Hal Huggins on amalgam toxicity, and there are many various articles all over the internet to help with questions about this terrible illness. I will share as often as I can how I am feeling, and if I've come across any information regarding this ailment. Thank you for stopping by!