Tuesday, July 29, 2008

High dose of DMSA?

I wanted to post this website for perusal. I found it very helpful, and even checked out the chlorella link and found a lot of great information.

My appointment yesterday went well. I talked with the NP about my concerns, and she suggested I take a heavy metal challenge test. It is a 6-hour urine test, and I am supposed to take DMSA at the beginning of it. Her nurse calculated the amount I should take very high, and I've been in communication with Dr. S as to what his thoughts are on this and if he thinks it might be too much. As I write, we are still waiting for the NP to return my call so that I can ask her what I should expect for the 72 hours following taking it. According to one website I read, there will be some pain involved at high levels, so I am a bit nervous about it. Once I do the test and send it in, it's supposed to take up to a month to get the results, so I'll be waiting a while longer to know if I am truly mercury toxic. Hopefully we can figure out if the dosage will be okay and the side effects minimal soon.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Heavy Metal Toxicity (HMT)

It's been a while since I've posted. I am still working through the detox, and things are going pretty slowly. I am going to a yearly check-up today (that's 3 years late!) with a nurse practitioner that I went to before I started exclusively going to Dr. S. I plan on talking to her today about my remaining symptoms and if I should have some testing done to see if it's anything else going on that needs heavier treatment. There was some concern by Dr. S that heavy metals aren't the cause of my remaining symptoms since I should be starting to feel better by now according to him, so it's also going to be an appointment to prove my point that it is HMT, with candida stemming from it, and I won't get better until we address it a lot more heartily. He thinks I might have a growth on my pituitary gland. I did read up on it, and it could possibly be true, but I also saw that it was connected with mercury toxicity. Since he does not have the facilities available to him to do any testing, I've opted to ask my NP to do the checking.

I decided it's also been a while since I updated my symptoms list. I thought I would do that again to show that a couple more symptoms have 'fallen' off the list, or have gone from occasional to rarely.

This is what was going on in May:
-head and neck pain/achiness
-frequent muscle aches/pain
-vision disturbances (off-balance feeling)
-dizzy spells(vertigo?)
-chronic fatigue
-occasional irritability (feels like finger nails across a chalkboard x3)
-neck sensitivity
-occasional indigestion
-poor short term memory (longterm has gotten very good)
-occasional brain fog/inability to concentrate
-motion sickness
-occasional skin eruptions
-bad breath
-zinc deficiency

This is what's going on now:
-head and neck pain/achiness
-vision disturbances (off-balance feeling)
-dizzy spells(vertigo?)
-chronic fatigue

-neck sensitivity
-occasional indigestion
-poor short term memory (longterm has gotten very good)
-occasional brain fog/inability to concentrate
-rare skin eruptions
-rare irritability (feels like finger nails across a chalkboard x3)
-zinc deficiency?

One positive I'm finding on the candida diet is that I've lost almost 15 pounds. It doesn't really feel like it's helping in anything else, but probably because the metals are coming out slowly.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Recovery in Sight!

I thought I'd share a website I found today called the Klinghardt Protocol. I was intrigued to see that all of the research I've done and the protocol I set up for myself falls in line with what this doctor explained here. That makes me extremely confident I can beat this thing and someday regain my health. It's amazing just to be able to have an explanation for every 'bad' symptom that pops up, and rejoice that I am getting rid of these terrible toxins! I just need to be careful that I don't go overboard and try to detox too quickly, because I could really hurt myself. I am trying just a few things each week, and starting to add more things as I am comfortable. Whew is all I can say. I am relieved to know that I am on the right track, and will continue pressing on.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Gotta go through the bad before you get to the better...

Since my last post I have been doing a lot of detox. I have felt pretty terrible, but I am keeping a good attitude about it as much as possible because I know the reasons why I'm feeling so badly.

I have been taking probiotics, taking my usual Sunrider products, eating cultured veggies, cilantro, onions, and garlic daily, and I've taken one epsom salt bath. I am now totally on the candida diet, eating only meats and vegetables, and have for two weeks now. I also purchased and have been using a neti pot daily and finding some relief from the stuffiness I was having in my nasal passages. All of my symptoms have come back stronger due to the die off of the yeast in my system, however. When the yeast has died off enough I should feel some relief, but it will continue to build again as long as I have the heavy metals so abundant in my system. I will be continuing with the above protocol, and hoping to soon add chlorophyll (cleanses the blood) and spirulina which will help with detoxing the metals out. Like I've said before, it will be a slower process than using DMPS, but I am just not comfortable with using any chemicals, and neither is my ND.

I recently bought the Body Ecology Diet book from Donna Gates. I have just finished reading it. It's got a lot of great information. I don't know how closely I can follow her suggestions, but I am very interested in a lot of the recipes, and am eating cultured veggies and bought the Coco-biotic already.

It makes me disgruntled to know how bad sugar and processed foods have really screwed up our digestive systems. For anyone looking for better alternatives to sugar, stevia, xylitol, and lakanto are great choices. I have used stevia and xylitol, but have not tried lakanto. Both stevia and xylitol have healthful benefits as well as being a great substitute...stevia helps with the blood and heart, and xylitol is great (and far better for you than the rat poison flouride!) for your teeth. If you are looking for a gum that doesn't contain sugar or the bad sweeteners like splenda or nutrasweet, I found Spry gum just recently (made with xylitol), and my whole family loves the flavors. You can possibly find it locally in the natural foods sections of your grocery store, but I found all flavors online by typing "Spry" into google.