Thursday, September 27, 2007

Even I'm Amazed....

Listed below is another list from a different source ( that shows even more relation to health problems and mercury.

  • ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder (Medical Science)
  • Agglutinin formation (Medical Science Publications)
  • Allergy (Dental Handbooks)
  • ALS - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Medical Journals)
  • Alzheimer's (Dental Science)
  • Anger (Dental Handbooks)
  • Anorexia (Medical Journals)
  • Anxiety (Dental Handbooks)
  • Astenovegetative syndrome (Medical Science Publications)
  • Asthenia (Medical Science Publications)
  • Asthenic-vegative syndrome (Medical Science Publications)
  • Ataxia (Dental Handbooks)
  • Autism (Vaccine Journals)
  • Bad Temper (Dental Handbooks)
  • Blisters (Dental Handbooks)
  • Bloating (Dental Handbooks)
  • Blood Pressure Problems (Dental Handbooks)
  • Bloodstream (Medical Science Publications)
  • Blurred vision (Environment Newspapers and Dental Handbooks)
  • Bone marrow (Medical Science Publications)
  • Bones (Medical Science Publications)
  • Breakdown (Medical Science Publications)
  • Cancer (Medical Journal)
  • Cardiac effecters (Medical Science Publications)
  • Cardiovascular self-regulation (Medical Science Publications)
  • Cardiovascular system (Medical Science Publications)
  • Cerebella ataxia (Medical Journals)
  • Chemical depression of work function (Medical Science Publications)
  • Chest Pains (Dental Handbooks)
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome (Dental Handbooks)
  • Chronic inflamation (Dental Handbooks)
  • Chylamydia trachomatis (Medical Journals)
  • Circulatory changes (Medical Science Publications)
  • Circulatory systems (Dental Handbooks)
  • CNS Central nervous system (Medical Science Publications)
  • Concentration loss (Dental Handbooks)
  • Constipation (Dental Handbooks)
  • Cortex (Medical Science Publications)
  • Cortical excitation (Medical Science Publications)
  • Cortical neurosis (Medical Science Publications)
  • Cytomegalovirus (Medical Journal)
  • Decision making difficulty (Dental Journal)
  • Depression (Dental Handbooks)
  • Depression in functional body (Medical Science Publications)
  • Dermographism (Medical Science Publications)
  • Diahhrea (Dental Handbooks)
  • Digital tremor (Medical Science Publications)
  • Diminished working ability (Medical Science Publications)
  • Dizziness (Dental Handbooks)
  • Ears ringing (Dental Handbooks)
  • Emotional disruption (Medical Science Publications)
  • Energy loss (Dental Handbooks)
  • Enlarged glands (Medical Science Publications)
  • Enzymatic protein function (Medical Science Publications)
  • Fatigue Medical (Science Publications)
  • Feet cold (Dental Handbooks)
  • Fever (Medical Journals)
  • Fibromyalgia (Dental Handbooks)
  • Fine tremors (Medical Science Publications)
  • Food allergies (Dental Handbooks)
  • Frequent urination (Dental Handbooks)
  • Functional disturbances (Medical Science Publications)
  • Functional shifts (Medical Science Publications)
  • Galvanic response (Medical Science Publications)
  • Gnarled limbs (Environment Newspapers)
  • Gum Problems (Dental Handbooks)
  • Hands cold (Dental Handbooks)
  • Hard pulse (Dental Handbooks)
  • Headache (Medical Journals and Dental Handbooks)
  • Headaches (Medical Science Publications)
  • Herpes I (Medical Journal)
  • Herpes II (Medical Journal)
  • Hormonal protein function (Medical Science Publications)
  • Hypersensitivity (Dental Handbooks)
  • Hyperthermia (Medical Science Publications)
  • Hypoxia (Medical Science Publications)
  • Idiopathic autism (Vaccine Journals)
  • Immune system (Dental Journals)
  • Immuneological protein function (Medical Science Publications)
  • Infection (Medical Science Publications)
  • Infectious diseases (Medical Science Publications)
  • Influenza (Medical Science Publications)
  • Insomnia (Medical Journals)
  • Intestinal disturbance (Medical Science Publications and Dental Handbooks)
  • Intoxication (Medical Science Publications)
  • Introvert (Dental Handbooks)
  • Irregular heartbeat (Dental Handbooks)
  • Irritability (Medical Journals)
  • Jaw inflamed (Dental Handbooks)
  • Joint pain (Dental Handbooks)
  • Kidneys (Medical Science Publications)
  • Less muscular capacity (Medical Science Publications)
  • lichen leukoplakia (Dental Handbooks)
  • Liver (Medical Science Publications)
  • Low blood pressure (Dental Science Publications)
  • Lower muscular capacity (Medical Science Publications)
  • Lumbago (Dental Handbooks)
  • Malaise (Medical Journals)
  • Memory (Dental Handbooks)
  • Memory loss (Medical Science Publications)
  • Mercurial syndrome (Medical Journals)
  • Mercury etiology (Medical Science Publications)
  • Metabolic changes (Medical Science Publications)
  • Metal taste (Dental Handbooks)
  • Micromercurialism (Medical Science Publications)
  • Moderate hypochromic anemia (Medical Science Publications)
  • Monotypic functional shifts (Medical Science Publications)
  • Mood (Dental Handbooks)
  • Morphological disorders (Medical Science Publications)
  • Muscle pain (Dental Handbooks)
  • Muscular insufficiency (Medical Science Publications)
  • Nervous heart (Dental Handbooks)
  • Nervous systems (Dental Handbooks)
  • Neurological symptoms (Medical Science Publications)
  • Numbness (Dental Handbooks)
  • Olfactory analyzer (Medical Science Publications)
  • Optic thalami (Medical Science Publications)
  • Paralysis (Dental Handbooks)
  • Phlebitis (Dental Handbooks)
  • Physiology toward pathology (Medical Science Publications)
  • Plasma (Dental Journals)
  • Positive electrical charge (Medical Science Publications)
  • Protein metabolism (Medical Science Publications)
  • Psychic (Dental Handbooks)
  • Red dermographism (Medical Science Publications)
  • Reflex insufficiency (Medical Science Publications)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (Dental Handbooks)
  • Sensitivity (Dental Handbooks)
  • Sinusitis (Medical Science Publications and Dental Handbooks)
  • Spasms (Dental Handbooks)
  • Spleen (Medical Science Publications)
  • Stiffness (Dental Handbooks)
  • Stomach disturbance (Dental Handbooks)
  • Stress (Medical Science Publications)
  • Subcortical ganglia (Medical Science Publications)
  • Suicidal (Dental Handbooks)
  • Tachycardia (Dental Handbooks)
  • Teeth ache (Dental Handbooks)
  • Tremors (Medical Science Publications)
  • Temperature response (Medical Science Publications)
  • Thyroid metabolism (Medical Science Publications and Dental Handbooks)
  • Thyroid uptake of radioactive iodine (Medical Science Publications)
  • Ticks (Dental Handbooks)
  • Tired (Dental Handbooks)
  • Toxic action (Medical Science Publications)
  • Urine (Dental Journals)
  • Vascular disorders (Medical Science Publications)
  • Vascular permeability (Medical Science Publications)
  • Vegetative dystonia (Medical Science Publications)
  • Vegetative nervous system (Medical Science Publications)
  • Vegetative neurosis (Medical Science Publications)
  • Vertigo (Dental Handbooks)
  • Week pulse (Dental Handbooks)
Now I ask safe is amalgam if dentists are even journaling symptoms (note the dental journals and handbooks in parenthesis above)?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mercury is Nasty

Today I ran across this article, and within it is a video that is a must see. It explains what happens when mercury enters the neurological center of the brain.

The article also discusses reproductive problems, digestive problems, thyroid issues, yeast overgrowth, and mineral displacement.

I am feeling very heavy brain-fog today, and I've been having problems with my right hand going numb at times. My doctor said that the hand problem is connected to the same trunk of muscles as the neck problems I've been having and the chiropractor should be able to address the problem.

I reminded myself again last night that I still have 5 crowns with amalgam under them that have to be removed before I should feel any type of major relief. The struggle of day-to-day living with my symptoms is frustrating at its best, and most days I'd rather just climb in my lazyboy and let the world go by. Don't let this happen to you. Don't get overburdened with metal toxicity and let your health disappear on you. Stop the amalgam insanity by refusing amalgams (and root canals!) at all costs. You'll thank yourself later for it!

Monday, September 24, 2007

A Collision....

I'm feeling pretty much lately like a freight train hit me, and I'm dealing with the aftermath.

I called and talked with my dentist early last week. I couldn't convince him to pull the tooth then, but he did say he would pull it if what he wanted to try didn't work. I decided it was worth him trying what he wanted to if he'd extract it if his idea failed. He wanted to level down the tooth more and see if he couldn't relieve the pain by adjusting the bite. I went in to see him on the 20th, and as he was checking the occlusion (bite), he noticed that the tooth in front of the tooth in question was hitting pretty heavily on the top tooth as well. He leveled both teeth down to make the occlusion more even.

So far I've noticed a lot less pain in that part of the jaw, but my neck and head have not given up their fight. I had some severe pain in my head that lasted several hours over the weekend that advil wouldn't even come close to touching. The pain has returned today in a not so nice way and making the day miserable. The dizzy spells that I have often have surely made themselves known today, too.

I haven't detoxed much with the fortune delight lately only because there have been so many days that I've needed to feel okay to go somewhere or do something. I plan to continue it on the next day when I know I can be home all day and nothing too major is required of me. I know I certainly need it, as I struggle so much with
lack of concentration and energy along with a myriad of symptoms that some cleansing would help.

Here is another article that sounds like it could be my life story.
How sad it is to see so many articles on the internet today that share people's life stories that are affected by mercury. It's also frustrating to see so much information on the dangers of mercury in fillings all over the internet, yet no one in the government does anything about it to save people from the heartache and pain when they become sick.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Talk about toxic!

In reference to my title of this post, I'm the one who's toxic, and I think yesterday proved it.

I emailed my doctor in the morning, telling him of some symptoms that I was experiencing that were getting a little out of the ordinary (out of the ordinary meaning really bad). He told me to start detoxing by drinking some fortune delight. It's healthy and natural...Doshi loves the stuff so I keep it on hand, and was ready to start. Little did I know exactly what was going to happen! I used to drink FD before I got sick. I liked it, and it was refreshing. The great thing about it is it's an herbal food, and works well with the body to eliminate the bad stuff, especially after workouts. When I got sick, I drank it for a while, but stopped when I noticed the irritability wasn't so bad when it wasn't included in my diet (Irritability to me was bad, until recently when I found out it was good for it to happen - more in an earlier post).

Because I have tried to stay away from anything that will detoxify until all the amalgam is gone, I am so toxic now that only one packet of FD in 12 ounces of water caused one of the freakiest things I've felt in a while. After drinking about 3/4 of it, I started feeling a pulling of stuff inside my head into the rest of my body. I felt so terrible during that time and after, I pretty much lost the rest of my day to feeling completely out of it and just feeling like crud. By last night, the left side of my head and jaw (near the bad tooth) were hurting pretty bad. During the night I woke up and felt that same side of my head had "fallen asleep" and it was tingling very strongly. It was all the way from my chin up to well behind and above my left ear. When that got back to normal, I could feel my jaw on the left side aching considerably. I woke up this morning with pain still there, and a fair amount of irritability. The pain has subsided somewhat, but I can still feel an achiness. I was still irritable, and my stomach was a bit "off", too.

I emailed my doc right away this morning to ask if it was from the fortune delight and he said yes, the body is detoxifying like it should. It's certainly not fun to go through, that's for sure. But he wants me to continue, with a more diluted form of the FD so it's not so strong to my system. He said in about a week I should hopefully feel some improvement.

Because I had used FD before, I never expected the results I got yesterday. I should have thought about how much the dental revisions have put a lot more mercury ravaging around my system, though. Plus, the root canaled tooth has had time to cause so much toxicity with the anaerobic bacteria making it's home there, along with the four other root canaled teeth with their own toxicity.

I also read today about cavitations left behind when removing a tooth. These can, and most often do, turn almost gangrenous. Talk about gross! But almost everyone who's had their wisdom teeth or any other teeth extracted probably didn't have the periodontal ligament removed with it, only to leave behind the 95% chance of bacterium buildup. It doesn't show up on x-rays, and most times there is no pain, so the unsuspecting person goes on with life thinking they are healthy and nothing is wrong with them. Within years, the bacterium usually shows up elsewhere in the form of an auto-immune disease, or worse yet, cancer. So not only amalgams can cause these terrible diseases, but so can root canals, and cavitations (Uninformed Consent, Hal Huggins).

I sure look at situations so differently now when I meet someone who is suffering from cancer or an auto-immune disease. It continually goes through my many silver fillings does this person have? How many root canals? How many cavitations? Do they have dentures that have mercury or nickel in them? If they don't have any of these things, did one or both of their parents since mercury can cross the placenta or attach itself to sperm?

How many dentists have unknowingly poisoned their patients because they don't know any better and have listened to what the ADA is telling them instead of having reason to do their own research? I will say it again. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO INFORMED CONSENT. Do your research. And like me, if you're still not sure, do MORE research before you have anything put in your teeth (or your body!). Even now, after how much I've learned, I'm still making mistakes. I still forget things I've read, and I feel most times like I'm the only one who knows what's best for me dental-wise, because I certainly don't trust my dentist even though he's better than most since he understands the dangers of and won't place amalgam, but I've learned he still doesn't have all the answers, either. So if I'm doing all the learning (and forgetting), there's not a huge support system for me to lean on. Find a doctor who understands mercury toxicity and can help you. Find a dentist who completely understands the toxicity of all things done to your teeth. Be INFORMED.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Vision for Revision

Yesterday I pulled out a chart of my teeth that a previous dentist had supplied me with. It showed what my teeth were like before the revision process started a year ago. It's a very detailed computer drawing, showing all of my fillings, root canals, and crowns. Wow, have things changed!

I've had 11 teeth worked on so far, and 8 more to go. All 11 teeth contained amalgam fillings. 9 of them now are shiny composites, the other two have had root canals, and both will eventually need to be removed. Those two are included in the 8 still needing work. The other 6 teeth are precious metal crowns with amalgam underneath, and 3 of these teeth are root canaled and will need to be extracted. Who would have thought so much can happen in such a small area of the body!

After going over this chart and seeing where my problems still exist, I think I have come up with a good plan for the next groupings of revisions, and it should take four phases. Hopefully my dentist will agree and we can get started as soon as possible so that I can have the bad RC (root canal) extracted right away. Two days ago I had an email second opinion done with the dentist from Minneapolis about the tooth in question, and he's willing to help me in any way he can if my dentist doesn't do what I feel I need done for my health. I'm really relieved to know I have him to fall back on. He also said he would talk to my dentist (since he knows him) about RC's to see if he can be of some help in that way. I'm trying to be patient and give him a few days to do that before I call my dentist and tell him I'm ready for my next revision, but I seem to be feeling a little worse each day and don't know how much longer I can put up with this.

In the process of talking to the dentist from Minneapolis, I learned of a new type of implant that can be done for fake permanent teeth that isn't as intrusive to the bone as titanium. It's a zirconium implant, much like porcelain. According to this file, the FDA may have approved it for the U.S. now, but I'm not exactly sure. The dentist encouraged me to go to Germany to have them implanted, though!

I have another list of websites available for your own research.

Thanks to Sparky for these!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Ten Steps Back

It actually has been a long week since my last post. By the next day, my neck tightened up again, my head started hurting really bad, and I had irritability beyond what I've been used to. I also have been having dizzy spells a lot as well. It has lasted all week, and things are barely at a comfortable range today.

Over the weekend, Sparky (thank you, Sparky!) and I had some time to search some more websites with a lot of good information on them. One is a video of an extracted tooth with amalgam still in it. The video shows the tooth held by a special screen (they explain what it is) and rub the tooth with different instruments. It shows the amount of vapor the tooth lets go of with each rub or scrape. I was sickened as I watched it just thinking how much mercury I was spewing out before I had the amalgam removed every time I opened my mouth!

Tooth vapor
Curezone frequently asked questions
More frequently asked questions...
dental amalgam
a forum on amalgam
another forum on amalgam
curezone root canal

I also read over the weekend the introduction to Hal Huggins website under the heading "Setting it Straight". It seems that my reading and research hasn't even begun to hit the surface of the protocol in which to take in amalgam removal, and I've read two of Mr. Huggins' books. According to this article he writes, I should have had all of my amalgam removed within a month's time in order to do it properly, as long as I don't have any work done on consecutive 7 day cycles (more on this in his book "It's All In Your Head"). He says the likelihood of recovery is not as good if this is not followed. I'm a little discouraged to say the least that I didn't know about this before. I certainly would have made arrangements to have it all done as soon as possible if I knew that. I was under the assumption from reading elsewhere that it should be done one filling at a time, and over a period of time. I thought I was in danger of moving along too fast by having two and three, sometimes four done at a time. I don't know what my prognosis is now that I didn't do it the way Huggins encourages. It
, along with my root canaled teeth, could be why I'm still struggling so much now.

I also am discouraged to find no other alternatives for root canals. Having any type of metal implant put into the bone structure of the jaw if a dead tooth is removed is not any better than having amalgam in the teeth. Bridges aren't any better as they also need to use metal to give stability to the tooth. But having the root canal is the worst! So now what? I have no idea, and I am frustrated beyond belief. If any of you are doing your own research and find anything, would you be willing to share? Please post a comment with your information so others can see what you've found as well. Thanks.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Some Snippets

Other than feeling dead-tired from lack of sleep (due to Sparky's cold of recent), I have been doing better over the past few days. I saw my doctor on Saturday and he did a different procedure on my jaw to help calm it down, using a machine that sends pulses of electricity through some pads held to my cheeks. He also adjusted my neck since it was bothering me again, and he was able to make that feel a little better, too. I still feel achiness in the neck and jaw, but it's a little more tolerable now. My doctor is wanting me to try to calm the tooth down even more by putting eye-droppers of swedish bitters on it at bedtime and brush with liquid stevia (sunectar/sunnydew). I was able to start the swedish bitters since I had some of that, but I won't have liquid stevia for a few days because I need to order it.

We also asked my doctor what causes the irritability I struggle with pretty often. He said that the irritability is actually a good sign that my body is trying to detox the mercury out. He said the only other way would be through fever, and he said this is the best way for it to come out, so he's glad to hear when I am irritable but does understand the frustration I feel since it's so bothersome. It's kind of strange to think I should be happy when I'm irritable!

I was reminded of another thing to share - about mercury being the possible culprit for premature grey hair. I started going grey in my late 20's. My head is peppered with silver strands now, but Sparky noticed during the weekend that I had a multicolored strand of hair he found on my shoulder (my hair falls out easily now, and thinning at a rapid rate). It reminded me of something that I learned in my research...I'm thinking it's in the Andrew Hall Cutler book - about hair greying at young ages due to amalgam. I don't recall however, if it it mentions anything about reversing itself once the amalgam is removed. The strand was silver on the bottom, and my natural color near the root. Methinks it's a possibility my hair could possibly reverse back to it's natural light brown when the amalgam is completely gone. will be interesting to see in about a year from now.