Monday, March 31, 2008

A little more research...

I've been struggling quite a bit lately, due to the cleansing my body is going through from the last revision. Today is one of those days where I'm struggling to do anything besides sit at my computer and hold my head in my hands and wonder when the spinning and off-balance feelings will stop. I figured as long as I was here, I was going to do some more research and found this website. Here's a symptoms list I want to share with you from it, since it's MY symptom list. I have every single one of those symptoms!!
  • Chronic pain throughout the muscles and tendons or any soft tissues of the body
  • Chronic malaise – general feeling of discomfort, fatigue, and illness
  • Brain fog – state of forgetfulness and confusion
  • Chronic infections such as Candida
  • Gastrointestinal complaints, such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, heartburn, and indigestion
  • Food allergies
  • Dizziness
  • Migraines and/or headaches
  • Visual disturbances
  • Mood swings, depression, and/or anxiety
  • Nervous system malfunctions – burning extremities, numbness, tingling, paralysis, and/or an electrifying feeling throughout the body
There isn't one of these that I don't have something from each entry if not all of it. It's both a relief to see and also very troubling. A relief that there is documentation once again of symptoms based on mercury toxicity due to amalgam fillings. Troubling that the ADA and the FDA are not admitting that people are being poisoned by something they are claiming to be safe.

Are you plagued with any of these symptoms and not sure why? Do you have amalgam fillings or been exposed to heavy metals at all? I'd sure like to hear about it. Would you please do me a favor after you've read this post and leave me a comment (or email me at I'd just like to know how many people I'm reaching and if I've helped anyone along the way.

I also came across a website the other day that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with amalgam fillings, but I found it beneficial for learning how to heal my body from all of the trauma it's been through. It's There are so many good things I can do for myself after the amalgam is gone (and even before) that I'm looking forward to the healing process and finally being well after all these years. Check out the website even if you don't think you're mercury toxic - you could learn alot about your digestive system! I signed up for the newsletter emails and got a great audio download that also explained a lot, and I think anyone who signs up for the newsletter gets the audio recording.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Autism, Mercury, and MSG

This website links MSG to autism. Here's an excerpt:

It is already known that children with higher levels of glutathione are better at chelating mercury (a suspected cause of autism) and removing it from the body. However, MSG, when injected into mice, has been proven to reduce these glutathione levels that are protective against mercury poisoning. Could the ever-increasing amounts of MSG in the diet of developed countries be putting children at unnecessary risk of mercury poisoning?

The website is full of a lot of information on MSG and aspartame. For those of you who don't know what MSG is, it is monosodium glutamate, used for adding flavor to processed American foods, and especially Chinese food. Food manufacturing companies have found all different sorts of ways to hide the fact that MSG is an ingredient in their products by calling them different names.

The reason why I include this information here is so that you can do your research - if you don't think you're mercury poisoned but still have many of the symptoms that mercury can cause, you need to consider maybe you're sensitive to MSG. We at the Happy Camper household have cut out as much MSG as possible and it's been that way for a while. Sparky has even started getting headaches from eating foods laden with the stuff.

Do any of these changes fit you?

I want to share an excerpt today from Andrew Hall Cutler's book "Amalgam Illness Diagnosis and Treatment".

What Mercury Poisoning Does to You

In an overall lifestyle sense, the fact that symptoms come and go leads to the victim having periods of weeks to years of being highly functional and productive, interspersed with periods of being nonproductive and having a hard time getting anything done. Life seems to progress in fits and starts. Great progress is made on projects which later get shelved for long periods. As the disease continues, the productive periods become shorter, fewer, and farther between.

There are emotional changes in mercury poisoning. Depression slowly sets in. Victims feel fatigued and listless. They lack motivation - even for crucial tasks. They lose interest in their surroundings and in their own life. They do not enjoy life, or experience happiness or joy. They experience constant fear e. g. of losing their job. They may be very tense. They feel hopeless. They have a sense of impending doom. Every small problem is discouraging. Minor difficulties seem overwhelming and insurmountable.

The altered emotional state of a mercury intoxicated person leads to impaired interpersonal relationships. They become increasingly irritable and sensitive, reacting strongly to relatively innocent remarks. They may not be able to take orders, instructions, or suggestions without losing their temper. They resent criticism and may interpret innocent remarks critically. They may have an exaggerated response to stimulation and become fearful or anxious and nervous. They may project their fears and anxieties onto others, making inappropriate criticisms or attacks. They become shy and avoid dealing with strangers. While timid, they may unexpectedly lose self control with strangers. They may wish to visit with friends and family extensively, often wishing to engage in long, repetitive conversations, then withdraw for prolonged periods of time. They withdraw more and more from social contacts.

Intelligence gradually deteriorates. Previously bright persons become dull and slow in thinking. They suffer from a progressive decline specifically affecting short term memory as well as the faculties for logical reasoning. Thus their ability to do things like balance the checkbook, do math, or play chess suffers. They lose the ability to concentrate. Memory problems may be more from distractability and inability to concentrate and pay enough attention to get things INTO their memory than an actual failure to remember things (thus they may complain of memory problems but do well on memory tests). They cease being motivated towards their work or other tasks. Thoughts become heavy, repetitive and pedantic. Creative thinking becomes progressively more difficult, eventually becoming impossible. They become unable to select the right words to convey their meaning, and make stylistic and grammatical errors. Their ability to express themselves declines progressively.

There is a distinctive cognitive symptom of being unable to think clearly without great effort. The best description for people who have not experienced it is of a hangover without pain. People who have experienced it will recognize the term "brain fog" as entirely descriptive.

As the victim's level of intoxication waxes and wanes they go through periods of life when they do or do not dream. Dreaming may be in black and white.

Early physical symptoms include dizziness, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), insomnia, daytime drowsiness, loss of appetite, a tendency towards diarrhea - often alternating with constipation, cold hands and feet, a tendency towards sweating (some people have the opposite symptom and do not sweat at all), flushing or reddening of the skin - particularly on the face and neck. Some people blush frequently, but others do not blush at all. Asthma is a symptom of chronic mercury poisoning. Digestive disturbances are also common.

The skin becomes dry, athlete's foot and toenail fungus progress, and the insides of the ankles, particularly behind the ankle bone and a bit above it become dry, itchy, flaky and peel. This often becomes painful and annoying enough to keep the victim up at night. Even after fungus and yeast infection has been eliminated hyperkeratosis, often with papular erythema and itching are common.

The hair becomes thinner, dryer, duller, less strongly colored, slower growing, and more brittle.

The biological clock is disturbed. Waking up late and staying up late is more common than being an "early bird." Try as they might, the mercury poisoned person simply cannot control their circadian rhythm.

Victims may become photophobic and find bright light uncomfortable and unpleasant. There may be visual disturbances, including alterations in color perception leading to reduced sensitivity to the color red, or color blindness. The ability to focus on distant objects may be sporadically impaired. Peripheral vision may be reduced in the most severe cases.

The hands and feet often become distinctly cold. This can occur suddenly and is most distinctive when combined with sweating. Later in more severe poisoning they may also tingle or lose feeling.

The effects of mercury on the mouth are receding, sometimes spongy gums that bleed easily and teeth that are 'loose' in their sockets and can be wiggled very slightly. It also causes excessive salivation and unusually bad breath.

Mercury interferes with the sense of smell which becomes less acute, and later with hearing, in which perception of sounds does not diminish as notably as the patient's ability to understand and interpret them - e. g. to understand speech directed at them even though they hear it clearly.

Victims often experience discomfort that feels like a "tight band around their head." They may also experience sharp points of discomfort in their ear canals at bedtime.

Mercury also interferes with the body's ability to regulate temperature. Victims may alternate between being hot and cold when the temperature isn't changing, or have to wear more clothes than other people, or have more difficulty than other people in staying comfortable while the temperature changes. Temperature disregulation also leads to 'night sweats.'

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Five Days Later....

This is day #5 since I had work done on my teeth. They haven't been 'great' days, but they sure are showing improvement, which is a step in the right direction. I still have chest tightness and overwhelming fatigue at times most likely due to the detoxing effect, but as for the off-balance and dizzy feelings, it's been very minimal if non-existent. The headaches are also starting to fade. I'm trying not to get too excited yet (but have been very happy over the last two days with feeling better overall), since the pattern has been that the 7th, 14th, and 21st days have been marking points for tough days following revision, and I still have another day before I make it to day #7.

I saw Dr. S three days ago for treatment and we talked about a lot again. He seems to have changed his tune about the mercury being the problem once again (recently we talked and he felt it couldn't be still causing my symptoms) and now believes that the whole upper half of my body (from chest up) is dealing with toxicity. He said once I get the last 3 crowns done in May I will continue to show improvement and be 'well' in a year's time. I'm not sure what changed his mind, but I'm glad we're thinking the same again. Detox treatment will go a lot easier if he and I are in agreement.

Sparky (my better-half) and I are seriously considering buying an infrared sauna to help with the detox. I showed a brochure to Dr. S when I visited him and he was very happy about the idea and is considering getting one for himself. Infrared sauna is better for the body when detoxing than traditional saunas because infrared is far-cell reaching, and heats the inside of the body, making it able to detoxify at a cellular level. Traditional saunas heat the outside of the body and never really reach the inside.

Dr. S also wants me starting on exercise - mostly weight lifting right now. My muscles in my neck, shoulders, pecs, and arms have weakened, and he wants to get them strengthened and ready for some more aggressive workouts once the amalgam is gone. He also said yoga would be good, so I'm going to see what I can do to get a program going.

Because of what seems to be immediate and so far on-going relief of the off-balance and dizzy feelings as well as the headaches, I think I can say so far that one of the teeth I had worked on was causing these problems. I'm not sure which one...the decayed under the crown tooth, or the tooth with the titanium and whatever other piece it was buried in amalgam under a crown. Whichever one, I'm glad it's gone and I've been feeling some relief. I certainly didn't expect it yet, but I am certainly taking every good day for what it is. Can't wait to get these last ones taken care of...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Appointment update

The dental appointment went well. We had a couple of surprises that weren't expected, however. The first tooth that Dr. C worked on was tooth #7 (upper right side, 2nd from the front). It was a previously root canaled tooth. When Dr. C took the crown off, he did not find amalgam, but instead found decay. It was surprising since the tooth was supposedly well-sealed, meaning the dentist who put it on did not make sure that it was a sterile environment before completing the 'crowning'. That tooth was root canaled and crowned several years ago (more than 8). I wish I knew what dentist so I knew who to blame it on, but I only have a couple of guesses since that information is long gone. Dr. C said we caught the problem in time. Had we not, the tooth would have eventually failed, leaving nothing to work with. I'm still concerned about not re-treating or removing the root canaled teeth, but there still really isn't a viable option for replacement at this time.

The second tooth really threw Dr. C for a loop. This tooth was #29, lower right side, 3rd from the back. This tooth is partially root canaled (only 1 of 3 roots treated). The dentist who did this one not only used amalgam as the binder, but stuck 2 titanium pins (and a 3rd pin that was not identifiable) right in the middle of it. Dr. C said the 3rd pin looked like a piece of dental equipment that apparently was used instead of more titanium to cut corners. He said he had never seen anything like that done before. Again, I don't know what dentist did it, but I have my guesses. I've seen several dentists in my lifetime, but a couple stand out now as ones who, had I known better, I wouldn't have trusted for anything. Titanium can and does react with amalgam when in close proximity. Mine was of course touching, causing probably quite a bit of problems going on in that one tooth. I can't even imagine what the other three crowned teeth I haven't had worked on yet are hiding under them!

Dr. C also replaced an old composite filling that was failing, so now the whole right side of my mouth is completed and thoroughly amalgam free. I'm quite happy about that.

As I wrote yesterday about my body being forced into detox mode, I had barely left the dentist office and was already feeling effects. Since then, my chest has been tight and the air feels heavy. I have also noticed other tell-tale signs of detoxification (irritability, brain fog, overall feeling of illness, etc.). I was hoping this wasn't going to happen, but I am trying to look at it in the light of it's a good thing, because my body is getting rid of the just doesn't feel very good. I just hope the effects are short-lived.

My final revision appointment for the last three crowns will be all the way out to late May. I certainly wish it could be sooner, but that's all that Dr. C had available. I'm hoping there's a cancellation and they can bump it up sooner.

Here's just another reminder of the ills of having amalgam fillings...there is huge cost, not only financially to have them replaced later on, but cost to your health, your livelihood, and possibly your life. Amalgam is 50% mercury. Mercury is poison. IT DOES NOT BELONG IN YOUR BODY.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dental visit thoughts...

Today I go in to have two of the last five crowns replaced. I'm excited that the day is finally here, but a little frustrated that it's not my last revision visit. I will still have three more crowns to replace in a future appointment, but I'm hoping that will be very soon.

I do have some apprehension about today's visit.
I know that my body will go into detox mode today, caused by the 'missing' mercury no longer being supplied by the amalgam. In the past, after each amalgam removal, I've had some really low days. I am hoping this time will be better because my thyroid is a little more stable and my adrenals seem to be holding their own, as well as already having a lot less mercury running through my system than I did before when I had all the amalgam fillings. My last appointment to remove amalgam was seven months ago, so we'll have to see if that much time for my body to adjust will make a difference.

I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up, but yet I want today to be the day that when Dr. C drills out the amalgam that my headaches will stop and the off-balance and dizzy feelings will go away. It's a real high hope, because with having three crowns still not changed out after today, I'll still have enough amalgam that puts me over the toxic limit. I also
have four root canaled teeth that won't be addressed, and an occlusion (bite) that's been tinkered with so many times that my jaw muscles don't know what's 'home' anymore. That alone can cause problems in the skeletal makeup of the body.

As I was looking up some more information regarding toxicity, I found this website explaining the proper procedure for removing amalgam and thought it would be beneficial to post.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mercury, mercury everywhere...

Lately I've been talking to a lot of people who are experiencing unexplained health problems. One common thing about these people are that they have amalgam fillings in their teeth. Doctors shake their heads at them after running tests and say "we can find nothing wrong with you" and pass them off to the next doctor.

Just last night I was visiting with a friend who's been having what seems to be neurological problems after having a gold crown placed amidst a mouthful of amalgam. She shared with me that she has been seeing doctor after doctor and no one can tell her what's wrong. I shudder to think how much electrical output is going on in her mouth with two different kinds of metal's electrons bouncing off from one another. I gave her the name of my dentist and encouraged her to consider having the crown replaced and/or the amalgams removed.

I also have two other friends, both of them suffer from fibromyalgia. One has several amalgam fillings, the other has had a root canal and I believe a crown on top of it. Their doctors have tried very hard to help them get relief to no avail.

There's a friend that lives out of state now but used to go to my church that suffers from MS. She had half of her amalgams removed and became violently ill. I haven't talked with her about the mercury ties, but my guess is that her dentist didn't use precautionary measures, and her body was detoxifying at a faster rate than she could handle. She chose not to finish getting the amalgams out and is still suffering greatly from the effects of MS.

I know several people who have thyroid issues, and every single one of them have at least one amalgam filling. I know others who've been diagnosed with cancer, and everytime I visit with them I see several amalgam fillings in their mouths just screaming out at me.

It saddens me so to think that every single person who has even one amalgam filling probably will suffer from at least one malady in their lifetime that their doctor can't explain. For some people who are very sensitive, that one filling could cost them their livelihood. For others, it will just be something simple but irritating like constant forgetfullness. When will it end?

Please, to everyone who reads this, NEVER, EVER let your dentist place another amalgam filling in your mouth (or a loved ones!!!), and don't be afraid to say no to your dentist. You have a right to what goes into your body, and your dentist does not have the last word. If he thinks he does, it's probably time to find a new one.