Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I have been on Armour thyroid now for a week. The first three days I had taken a portion of my calcium with the med every morning without realizing that calcium blocks it from the thyroid gland, so I changed it to taking all of my calcium at night. This hasn't made a huge difference yet in my energy level, but I am starting to feel a little more stable emotional-wise...I didn't realize that I was feeling as emotional as I was. I knew that I'd felt more anxious over the last 6-8 months, but I was attributing it to the infected tooth that I had pulled in October and figured it would eventually go away. What didn't make sense to me was why I was still feeling anxious recently when I didn't see any need to be. This makes sense now that the thyroid could be causing it, not that I won't get anxious again, I just feel "different", as if the anxiety is not going to happen as often if at all. I was never an anxious person before this last summer, so to have these feelings come on was rather frustrating and sometimes very frightening. I thought I was losing my mind.

I am finding yet that I still have headaches and muscle weakness and achiness in my arms and legs. The most frustrating of all though, is that I'm still feeling off-balance almost constantly and have frequent dizzy spells. Dr. S didn't want me taking the vitamin D just yet (why I'm not sure), but I did some linking research on vitamin D and some of these symptoms and found a little correlation. I also know that these symptoms could be still part of the big picture of mercury toxicity causing my body not to use vitamins and minerals properly, and I do know that I am still anemic and have a zinc deficiency to go along with the vitamin D deficiency. The combination of all of these could be attributing to the problems, but until I can get the rest of the amalgam out and detoxify I probably won't be able to fix them. I just wish things would move along a little faster in the dental revision department. If it weren't for the infected tooth fiasco, I'd probably be done by now and on my way to recovery. What can you do though, when the timing isn't in our hands? I must sit back and wait and be patient.

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