As I am starting to near the end of my dental revisions and preparing for detoxification afterwards, I started doing some research and happened across this article:
Please forgive the title of the article, but the information is great. It doesn't have anything to do with detoxification, but I am once again perplexed by the lies that the ADA is giving to the American public. It's quite sad.
Back to detoxing...In my search for the perfect detoxification program, I've been bombarded by the pushing of the use of DMPS for chelating out the mercury. I'd really prefer not to go this route, as I've mentioned in previous entries. I'm looking to go as natural as possible so that I don't do any more harm to my body while I get this terrible poison out of it. I'm hoping my doctor will be able to help, but my talks with him as of late has me confused, because he can't come to terms with the fact that I'm not better because maybe the amalgam still in my mouth is causing the problems. Plus for a while he had me eating a lot of salmon and tuna to help with my thyroid, and instead of helping it just added more mercury to my system.
I just know that I don't feel well EVERY day almost all day long. The thyroid meds are only helping a little. The extra vitamin D I'm getting is only helping a little. ALL of the extra nutrition I'm getting through the whole foods I'm eating and all of the extra things I'm doing is only helping a little. I've been to the allopathic doctor (medical doctor), my normal doctor is a naturopath/naprapath, chiropractor/chinese medicine doctor, I see another chiropractor regularly (she believes there is a connection but can't do much more than adjust me), and I've just been to the eye doctor. None of them can see anything wrong with me, and my tests all come back pretty normal. According to all of them, I should be healthy and loving life. In fact, my eye doctor was stunned to find out that my astigmatism is reversing (makes you wonder how that can happen - I've only had 26 amalgam fillings removed in 10 teeth!). The keratoconus is staying stable at almost nothing, and my vision has stabilized. So, why do I have visual problems and feel like I'm walking sideways, and I have dizzy spells frequently? Why do I constantly have neck problems, and why does my jaw ache off and on? Why am I so tired and the thyroid meds aren't doing anything? Why am I getting migraines? Why can't anyone figure this out??? Because no one believes, truly believes it 'COULD' be my teeth! I guess only I do, and all of these people who have written these articles out there that I've shared with you who have suffered like I am or who know the extent of what mercury can do.
I apologize for ranting, but I've just really gotten to the point where I don't want to wait anymore to get these last five crowns replaced so that I can start detoxifying and show all these doctors I was right because I'll get better. I had another rough day today, and I'm just so tired of feeling so terrible all of the time.
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