Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mistakes doctors make when addressing the thyroid...

I decided to do a little more reading on thyroids, since it seems my meds aren't doing what they're supposed to. I came across these articles, which were very helpful.

This morning I started tweaking when I take some of my nutritional things, including anything that has calcium in it, which actually was still in a lot of things I take even though I changed taking the actual calcium to at night. I also hadn't realized that iron can make a difference in thyroid absorption, so I will need to take a look at that as well.

I'm actually feeling pretty cruddy today. I've been feeling really off-balanced and dizzy over the last couple of days, and the headaches and fatigue have been something else. I'm wishing the dentist's office would call and say that they had an opening sooner than mid-March for me to get in for two of my crowns. I'm getting really anxious to get these last five crowns taken care of. It seems like waiting any longer could be a huge detriment to whether or not I can get healed, considering what I've read about with the adrenals being affected. The sooner the detoxing can begin the better chance of my adrenals and thyroid becoming normal again. I also am very frustrated with feeling so terrible for so long. It would be nice to know that the amalgam is gone and I can start having some control over the healing process. Right now I feel it's like a maintenance program...keep me feeling bad enough to bring me down, but not bad enough to cause problems that aren't reversible (i.e. autoimmune disease, cancer, etc.).

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