Thursday, August 2, 2007

Testimony to mercury poisoning

Every couple of days I like to take one specific symptom I deal with and google it to see what comes up. Today I googled "chronic fatigue mercury" to see if I could find any new websites out there of other people who have struggled with this combination. This website that I found could be my life story, since this man struggled for 11 years with chronic fatigue, and like I've mentioned in a past post, I have struggled with being fatigued for at least 20 years if not longer. I also have the other symptoms he mentioned he dealt with.

I find much comfort in knowing this man regained his health after amalgam removal, and all of the information he shared was very helpful for me in my ongoing research.

I wish I had more info to share today, but I don't. I am extremely tired since the last two nights of non-sleep have been hard on me. I think I am experiencing some insomnia of some sort. I'm hoping that will stop soon, since rest is so important for me to be able to function at all during the day.

Lightheadedness has also been hanging on for the last week, most likely caused by lack of copper in my diet. My doctor once share with me and I forget that I can control it somewhat by eating chocolate, so it has gotten a little better now that I started in on my chocolate stash again.
Chocolate has a fair amount of copper in it, and the darker the chocolate, the better it is for you. Copper helps in keeping iron in the body. Iron is needed in the blood to keep the oxygen at a level keel. With possibly having mercury in the way and blocking iron's pathway to the blood cells, somehow copper can step in and help the iron gain some access to where it needs to go and accomplish its job. So, with that said, I just finished two small squares of dark chocolate to ward of the lightheaded feeling I was starting to have. It's too bad it doesn't help in the insomnia department!

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