Monday, August 13, 2007

An Informative Website

I just found this today while searching for more natural detoxifying foods. It's a good read and has a LOT of great info. . I don't necessarily subscribe to the thought that dmps and dmsa are needed for detoxification, and I think my doctor has the same opinion on them. It isn't a concern for me for at least another year until the amalgam is gone, however, but I believe my doctor will use other methods to get the job done. I do agree with the portions where garlic and cilantro are discussed. I have found many other sources that claim those are good binders of mercury and can help eliminate it from the body. Other great foods that I've read about helping bind and dispose of mercury are onions, sweet potatoes, and broccoli (which I'm avoiding right now since I don't want to disturb my remaining amalgams any more than they already are and have more mercury pulled through the body). I am not prepared yet to give a complete list, but after finding this website I thought I'd get it out there at least so that you'd have that information. I'm still compiling and will get it on here soon.

I'll be seeing the dentist today about the root canaled tooth. They want to take x-rays and see if they can see anything before they do any work. I will be strongly recommending extraction of the tooth, but I don't know if it will happen today since they're squeezing me in between patients.

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