Last night I had a very rough night. It was the fourth night that I have had issues with staying asleep, although this time was very different. I woke up with some low-grade pain in my chest right above my heart about 4 a.m. Along with that, I was sweating but was chilled, and my heart was pumping faster than usual. You would think I just woke up from a nightmare or something, but I didn't. I sat up and rocked for a while because it seemed to be soothing. A little while later Sparky woke up and asked what was going on. I told him, and then I tried laying down again. Within a few minutes, my whole body was uncontrollably jerking and I was starting to panic, probably making it worse. It lasted for about 3-4 minutes. When I finally settled down, I felt extremely tired and weak. I was able to go back to sleep, and drifted in and out of sleep until about 10 a.m.
In the last two years I have had bouts of waking up in the middle of the night very irritable (fingernails across a chalkboard x 3 constantly), nightsweats, and racing heart rate, but this is the first time I've had the jerking (for lack of a better word) going on. It's a little unnerving. Had Sparky brought me into the ER last night, they would have found nothing wrong with me however, since we've gone in before when I've had other nights like this, and all the blood tests come out normal. They can't seem to find anything wrong, which is typical for mercury toxic patients.
Today I feel pretty weak yet, and I am having some irritability. But I feel more rested than I have in days, probably because I was so exhausted after going through what I did this morning and was able to get some more sleep than I have been.
I imagine none of you will have the same thought process I have about this since I've done so much reading up on it, and have had discussions with my doctor about what mercury can do to the body, but I can see a correlation in what's constantly happening to me if I am truly mercury toxic. Because I still have more amalgam in my teeth than most people (even though I'm about half-way through the process), until I can get it all out and be able to pull the mercury out of the rest of my body, I will always have steps ahead and steps back. The steps back are very frustrating, but it has felt good when I've had steps forward. I just can't get too excited about them yet since it's usually only one step forward and five steps back.
Here are some of the various websites I've found during my research over the past two years that have been helpful. I'll also share more later so you aren't too overwhelmed!
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