Tuesday, August 21, 2007

More Work

I just realized it's been over a week since I posted. It's been busy around here, plus we had taken a family trip over the weekend.

I don't know how much the antibiotics are working. The tooth still is achy. I notice I clench my teeth at night now, and my whole jaw hurts in the morning when I wake up. My head doesn't hurt as much as it did, but my neck is still showing signs of mis-alignment and sore muscles. Irritability came on strong last night as well. I do have to say that the weekend was good however, and symptoms were minimal, which made our trip go a lot smoother than anticipated.

I will go in again to the dentist this week for my next round of revisions. This time he'll be removing the amalgam out of 4 teeth on my upper right side. These are the last of the amalgam fillings. The rest of the amalgam is hidden under crowns, so I have a ways to go yet since there are for sure 3 (possibly 4) crowns that will need to be replaced one at a time over a span of about 2-3 months each time. Not only is cost a factor since each crown revision is going to run about $1000 (and our insurance most likely won't cover any of it), but for health reasons, too, that it will take that long. The body really needs time to heal in between revisions. I certainly would like it all out at once, but it just wouldn't be wise. Having four teeth worked on this week is actually pretty risky, but my dentist insists on doing quadrants instead of tooth by tooth, and this area has the most work needing to be done. This will be the most I've had done in one sitting, so I'm sure to feel some effects from it in the weeks to come.

One important thing to think about if you are considering having your amalgams removed is finding a dentist who will take them out right. He/She needs to use dental dams, plenty of water, and a source of fresh air for the patient. He/She also needs to use a special technique of drilling so as not to introduce more mercury in the air or into your body than necessary. There is a dentist in Minneapolis who specializes in amalgam removal, and he may know of others in your area that would do comparable work for you. His email address is kingtooth@juno.com. His website (which I have mentioned in a previous post) is http://www.kingtooth.com/index.html
(If you know me and live near me and want to see my dentist who does amalgam removal properly, I'd be more than happy to supply you with his name and phone number).

I know I still haven't gotten the list of foods together yet that help with detoxification. I apologize. I will get that on here as soon as I can. I was busier last week than I expected I would be!

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