Monday, July 28, 2008

Heavy Metal Toxicity (HMT)

It's been a while since I've posted. I am still working through the detox, and things are going pretty slowly. I am going to a yearly check-up today (that's 3 years late!) with a nurse practitioner that I went to before I started exclusively going to Dr. S. I plan on talking to her today about my remaining symptoms and if I should have some testing done to see if it's anything else going on that needs heavier treatment. There was some concern by Dr. S that heavy metals aren't the cause of my remaining symptoms since I should be starting to feel better by now according to him, so it's also going to be an appointment to prove my point that it is HMT, with candida stemming from it, and I won't get better until we address it a lot more heartily. He thinks I might have a growth on my pituitary gland. I did read up on it, and it could possibly be true, but I also saw that it was connected with mercury toxicity. Since he does not have the facilities available to him to do any testing, I've opted to ask my NP to do the checking.

I decided it's also been a while since I updated my symptoms list. I thought I would do that again to show that a couple more symptoms have 'fallen' off the list, or have gone from occasional to rarely.

This is what was going on in May:
-head and neck pain/achiness
-frequent muscle aches/pain
-vision disturbances (off-balance feeling)
-dizzy spells(vertigo?)
-chronic fatigue
-occasional irritability (feels like finger nails across a chalkboard x3)
-neck sensitivity
-occasional indigestion
-poor short term memory (longterm has gotten very good)
-occasional brain fog/inability to concentrate
-motion sickness
-occasional skin eruptions
-bad breath
-zinc deficiency

This is what's going on now:
-head and neck pain/achiness
-vision disturbances (off-balance feeling)
-dizzy spells(vertigo?)
-chronic fatigue

-neck sensitivity
-occasional indigestion
-poor short term memory (longterm has gotten very good)
-occasional brain fog/inability to concentrate
-rare skin eruptions
-rare irritability (feels like finger nails across a chalkboard x3)
-zinc deficiency?

One positive I'm finding on the candida diet is that I've lost almost 15 pounds. It doesn't really feel like it's helping in anything else, but probably because the metals are coming out slowly.

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