Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Two articles on autism and vaccines...

Here are some websites that also came with the Mercola newsletter:

Head of CDC Admits on CNN that Vaccines can Trigger Autism

U.S. Government Concedes That Mercury Causes Autism

In the second article, I was happy to see that someone else agrees with me with this statement:

Have Autism Rates Declined Since Thimerosal Was Removed From Vaccines?

Thimerosal was taken out of most childhood vaccines at the beginning of the decade. In 2006, studies of two government databases indicated that autism rates went up as thimerosal dosages increased, then began to decline as thimerosal was removed.

Yet, if you look at this Time magazine article, it says that autism rates have continued to climb since thimerosal was removed from vaccines in 2001. Why the discrepancy?

It could be due to the fact that in 2002 the U.S. government began recommending flu shots to children under 2 (and now recommends them for kids until they’re 18). Well, most flu shots still contain thimerosal, so many infants are still being exposed to mercury.

Children under the age of 2 are receiving flu shots - shots that have mercury in them!!! No one in my family will ever be getting a flu shot, regardless of the age. My children did get their vaccine shots as infants because I didn't know any better. I feel comfortable in even going as far to say that my youngest, Doshi, was showing a few minor symptoms of autism as an infant after he received the vaccines. Not enough that he would have been diagnosed, but I had suspicions that he just wasn't right. I even remember saying something to a family member about him when he was six months old and extremely inconsolable at a family gathering. He typically didn't like to be held, and he didn't like to be laying on his own. He became lactose intolerant at less than a year old and constipation was his middle name. He still doesn't have regular bowel movements years later. He didn't make much eye contact (still doesn't), and he seemed slow academically. I did however, work with his diet and made sure he was getting good nutrition. It seemed to help a lot. He also had a regular diet of Fortune Delight and I know that made a difference. Today he seems to be more of a normal kid, but I still see tendencies that make me question the vaccines. Plus just the fact that mercury DOES NOT belong in the body is another whole reason I include these articles.

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