These are the ramblings of a deliriously happy camper! Seriously, I would LOVE to be a happy camper, but my health permits me not to do so. This blog is an area where I share my ups and downs of my health, possibly due to mercury toxicity. I also include much information on this terrible condition and the symptoms and diseases it can cause.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Counting the days...
I decided about a week ago to try cultured veggies, something that is really healthful for the body. I ordered them from a company called Immunitrition. My order should be here sometime this week. Finding this information couldn't have come at a better time, since it will be a great help in the healing process during the detox period. I have started showing signs of psoriasis, a condition that most of the times is brought on by toxic overload in the body. I could make my own veggies, but I haven't really been feeling well enough to do all the prep work.
Eating cultured vegetables was the way our ancestors stored and ate a lot of their vegetables before there were refrigerators. The vegetables produce the good bacteria our guts need during fermentation, so not only was it a smart way of preserving vegetables back then, but it was also one of the healthiest things they could do for their bodies. As the western diet changed with the invention of the refrigerator, slowly people stopped making cultured vegetables. During the World Wars when moms had to go to work while the dads were away at war, processed foods were introduced to help save time in the kitchen, pushing us even farther away from this tradition, and farther and farther away from the health benefits that the cultured veggies gave. With all the 'new' processed foods out there, dental problems have increased, leading to more and more need for cheap fillings. Amalgam fillings are cheap, easy to place, and dentists have been told they're safe. Well, I won't go into any more details, but I think you get the picture.
I am feeling pretty dizzy today, and last night I had sharp pain running from my neck up to my head on the left side, almost like a rubberband was being snapped from the neck up. I feel twinges of it today. I'm guessing that the top ligament is out again in my neck, along with a rib in my chest that my doctor tried to get back into place this weekend by adjusting a lot of other places in my back, arms, and legs. Thankfully I'll be seeing my chiropractor soon and she will most likely be able to settle it down for a while.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Two articles on autism and vaccines...
Head of CDC Admits on CNN that Vaccines can Trigger Autism
U.S. Government Concedes That Mercury Causes Autism
In the second article, I was happy to see that someone else agrees with me with this statement:
Have Autism Rates Declined Since Thimerosal Was Removed From Vaccines?Children under the age of 2 are receiving flu shots - shots that have mercury in them!!! No one in my family will ever be getting a flu shot, regardless of the age. My children did get their vaccine shots as infants because I didn't know any better. I feel comfortable in even going as far to say that my youngest, Doshi, was showing a few minor symptoms of autism as an infant after he received the vaccines. Not enough that he would have been diagnosed, but I had suspicions that he just wasn't right. I even remember saying something to a family member about him when he was six months old and extremely inconsolable at a family gathering. He typically didn't like to be held, and he didn't like to be laying on his own. He became lactose intolerant at less than a year old and constipation was his middle name. He still doesn't have regular bowel movements years later. He didn't make much eye contact (still doesn't), and he seemed slow academically. I did however, work with his diet and made sure he was getting good nutrition. It seemed to help a lot. He also had a regular diet of Fortune Delight and I know that made a difference. Today he seems to be more of a normal kid, but I still see tendencies that make me question the vaccines. Plus just the fact that mercury DOES NOT belong in the body is another whole reason I include these articles.
Thimerosal was taken out of most childhood vaccines at the beginning of the decade. In 2006, studies of two government databases indicated that autism rates went up as thimerosal dosages increased, then began to decline as thimerosal was removed.
Yet, if you look at this Time magazine article, it says that autism rates have continued to climb since thimerosal was removed from vaccines in 2001. Why the discrepancy?
It could be due to the fact that in 2002 the U.S. government began recommending flu shots to children under 2 (and now recommends them for kids until they’re 18). Well, most flu shots still contain thimerosal, so many infants are still being exposed to mercury.
Some Great Info...
Friday, April 18, 2008
A Study...
Counting the days to May 19th!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Another Dentist Who's Not Afraid! Yea!!
Here is another website which I found to be very educational. I can't stress enough how much I believe that mercury DOES NOT belong in our bodies in ANY form, especially dental amalgams. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, HAVE ANY (MORE) AMALGAM FILLINGS PUT IN YOUR TEETH, EVER! We need to stand strong together against the ADA and let them know we are not putting up with their lies and smoke screens any longer. If your dentist wants to place amalgam, PLEASE tell him or her NO...and let that be your final answer. Why take that risk with your health? I can tell you from my own experience, it's just not worth it.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Never Even Thought of It...
The environmental dangers of mercury fillings – from dental offices, from human waste, and from cremation – is alarming, and reason enough to end the use of amalgam.Cremation...hmmmmm. Just think about the amount of toxins spewed out into the air with every cremated body. We don't live far from a funeral home that has a crematory onsite. Thankfully we live west of it and the prevailing winds blow east, but I can't even imagine the homes that are in the direct path of those winds - how many illnesses are being caused by having to breathe in the mercury from cremated dental fillings in those bodies!!!
I should probably also update since it's been awhile. I've come to the conclusion that this revision has had the same cleansing outcome like all the past revisions. My body just takes it hard. I've been having some pretty rough days, filled with headaches, off-balance feelings, dizziness, and extreme fatigue. I have already started counting down the hours to my last revision in May, but it still can't come soon enough. I think the hardest of the symptoms is the off-balance and dizzy feelings. It's hard to accomplish anything when I always feel like I'm going to fall.
No matter how bad I've felt through this all, I think my kids have suffered the most from this. They're going to remember their childhoods as always being stuck at home during the day when Dad was at work, and then be limited by what they could do or who they could see based on how I was feeling. It's been very limited these last three years. When we have done something, it's because I've really pushed myself to make it happen, but then I pay for it later on, once that event is over.
They're going to remember doctor appointments and dentist visits as a part of our normal everyday life. I don't think they'll be bitter. In fact, I think they'll understand more of what it is for someone to suffer in pain. They'll be able to empathize with a loved one or friend when they go through tough times. They'll also understand the importance of taking care of their health so they maybe will never have to go through the pain and suffering I have. They've also learned the dangers of putting amalgam fillings in our teeth. I know I've been blessed by having them home with me all day, and I know they will have learned much from this ordeal by the time it is over.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The Lies of the ADA...
That the American Dental Association (ADA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have been negligent in providing the public with accurate, truthful, up-to-date information about the potential health hazards of mercury, particularly silver/mercury dental amalgam fillings, has already been clearly documented. [15] The ADA has repeatedly denied that mercury amalgam fillings are associated with human illness, despite the plethora of scientific data arguing very strongly to the contrary. Moreover, the ADA has also systematically persecuted pioneering dentists, such as Hal Huggins, DDS, who conscientiously informed their patients about the potential health risks of chronic, dental mercury exposure. This is quite ironic and' disturbing given the history of mercury amalgam. As reported in the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, "When (mercury) amalgams were introduced into the US in 1833 by two French entrepreneurs, the Orawcour brothers, its use was denounced by a substantial number of American denti sts. So strong was the opposition to amalgams, that the American Society of Dental Surgeons, founded in 1840, required its members to sign pledges promising not to use them...the common term for mercury in those years was "quick silver." The German pronunciation for quick" is "quack." Thus, those dentists who used mercury were called "quacks." This term has now come to mean anyone who is an "ignorant pretender to medical skills." Despite the efforts of a few researchers in this country and Europe to call attention to the dangers of mercury fillings, most notably a German chemist named Dr. Alfred Stock who published numerous articles prior to World War II, and Hal Huggins, a Colorado dentist who has spoken out against amalgams for the last 20 years, debate about the safety of mercury fillings remained muffled until recently. The amalgam safety debate was revived in this country initially by a 1989 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declaration that amalgams are a hazardous substance under the Superfund law, and, subsequently, by a December 1990 broadcast of the TV program "60 Minutes" that presented a devastating critique of amalgams." [16] Most, revealing of the ADA's current attitude toward the public welfare regarding amalgams is a legal brief filed with the court by attorneys for the ADA in a recent California civil lawsuit. In this legal case, the plaintiff claiming that he sustained injuries stemming from exposure to mercury dental amalgams, named as defendants his treating dentist, two amalgam manufacturers, an amalgam distributor and the American Dental Association. The ADA attorneys' argument was as follows: "The ADA owes no legal duty of care to protect the public from allegedly dangerous products used by dentists. The ADA did not manufacture, design, supply or install the mercury-containing amalgams. The ADA does not control those who do (a blatant falsehood with regard to US dentists). The ADA's only alleged involvement in the product was to provide information regarding its use. Dissemination of information relating to the practice of dentistry does not create a duty of care to protect the public from potential injury [filed in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Santa Clara, Case #718228]." [17] The bottom line is that the ADA does not see itself as responsible to the American public for telling the truth about the dangers of dental mercury amalgam.
Monday, April 7, 2008
More information...
Update on me: I haven't improved much since the last time I posted. The off-balance and dizzy feelings have not gone away, and the head aches and brain fog are making a huge comeback. I have been feeling like I'm walking around in a daze the last couple of days. It's been hard to concentrate on pretty much anything, and it seems like it takes me hours to get small tasks done.