Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Have Trouble Sleeping?

Today's research is the effects of mercury on lack of sleep, better known as insomnia. Here's what I found:

This last one had a questionnaire in it that I'll copy and paste below:

A checklist of other symptoms that could be related to mercury toxicity.
A Mercury Test by Dr. Hal Huggins:

1. Heart problems
_heart/chest pains
_tachcardia (heart racing)
_heart murmur
_low blood pressure
_abnormal EKG
_partial heart block
_high blood pressure
_heart attack

2. Skin Problems
_unexplained rashes
_excessive itching
_red flushes of color
_rough skin
_acne (pimples)

3. Nervous Disorders
_Belle's Palsy
_Multiple Sclerosis
_Dr. told you "It's your nerves"
_the shakes of hands, feet, head, etc
_twitching of face or other muscles

4. Digestion
_Crohn's disease
_Graves Disease
_bloated feeling after eating
_poor appetite

5. Blood Disease
_false positve for venereal disease

6. Cancer
_Hodgkins disease
_any other name

7. Endocrine Problems
_tipped uterus
_thyroid overactive
_cervical erosion
_mensturation-painful, too often or too seldom/ stopping without reason

8. Emotional
_sudden anger
_wish you were dead
_suicidal tendencies
_been divorced

9. Annoying Symptoms
_frequent headaches
_noises in your ears
_ringing in your ears
_hissing in your ears
_chronic eye inflammation
_chronic fatigue
_do you tire easily?
_swollen lymph nodes
_do you sweat excessively or not at all?
_hearing problems
_cold hands and feet
_motion sickness
_slow healing
_leg cramps
_get up at night to urinate
_urinate frequently during the day
_have insomnia
_tired when awaken in the morning
_have trouble making decisions

10. Allergies
_soaps and detergents

11. Diseases
_rheumatoid arthritis
_tennis elbow
_painful joints
_Friedreich's ataxia
_sickle cell anemia
_kidney stones

12. Miscellaneous
_Infections take a long time to heal
_Do you work around mercury?
what capacity?_______________
_what medications are you taking that have mercury in them?

13. Dental History
_had silver amalgams
_had gold fillings
_have gold fillings now
_removable metal bridge
_gold bridge
_porcelain caps (crowns)
_non-precious crowns
_root canal
_root canal now
_metallic taste in mouth
_burning sensation in mouth
_increased flow of saliva
_have more than half your teeth

There of course are more websites with more info on insomnia. Please check them out for yourself if you suffer from it! Just type "insomnia dental mercury" in google.

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