I'm feeling pretty much lately like a freight train hit me, and I'm dealing with the aftermath.
I called and talked with my dentist early last week. I couldn't convince him to pull the tooth then, but he did say he would pull it if what he wanted to try didn't work. I decided it was worth him trying what he wanted to if he'd extract it if his idea failed. He wanted to level down the tooth more and see if he couldn't relieve the pain by adjusting the bite. I went in to see him on the 20th, and as he was checking the occlusion (bite), he noticed that the tooth in front of the tooth in question was hitting pretty heavily on the top tooth as well. He leveled both teeth down to make the occlusion more even.
So far I've noticed a lot less pain in that part of the jaw, but my neck and head have not given up their fight. I had some severe pain in my head that lasted several hours over the weekend that advil wouldn't even come close to touching. The pain has returned today in a not so nice way and making the day miserable. The dizzy spells that I have often have surely made themselves known today, too.
I haven't detoxed much with the fortune delight lately only because there have been so many days that I've needed to feel okay to go somewhere or do something. I plan to continue it on the next day when I know I can be home all day and nothing too major is required of me. I know I certainly need it, as I struggle so much with lack of concentration and energy along with a myriad of symptoms that some cleansing would help.
Here is another article that sounds like it could be my life story. http://www.positivehealth.com/article-view.php?articleid=492
How sad it is to see so many articles on the internet today that share people's life stories that are affected by mercury. It's also frustrating to see so much information on the dangers of mercury in fillings all over the internet, yet no one in the government does anything about it to save people from the heartache and pain when they become sick.
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