I apologize for not being in here in a while. August has been a busy month so far, and I actually am sitting at a picnic table at 10:30 p.m. at night 3 1/2 hours away from my home as I write this. My husband and kids and I are camping at a KOA this week. It's been good to get away from home for awhile, and my symptoms actually seemed to have not been so bad. I still have headaches going on and times of off-balance and dizziness, and some fatigue, too, but they seem minimal enough that I can enjoy this time with my family.
One week from now I'll be getting the results back from the heavy metals test. It will be really good to know the answer to the question I've had for almost three years now. Am I mercury toxic, and how much? As you know already if you've kept up with my blog, I believe I am. And I believe Monday will prove it.
The anti-candida diet has been going well. It's been over two months since I started it. I haven't felt any improvement from it yet, probably because I'm not moving much mercury out right now, and yeast grows to offset what the mercury does to the body. I have, however, lost twenty pounds thanks to not eating grains or sugars. I have liked that aspect of it, but I'm quite bored with the lack of variety in meats and veggies.
I wanted to share something I experienced two weekends ago, at my mom's family reunion, because I believe it has something to do with mercury. My cousin, who has adult-onset epilepsy, had a seizure. I was there through the whole thing and witnessed something that I couldn't comprehend. Why did my cousin, who all through her childhood never had a problem, and it was only during her twenties that she began having these seizures? What happened to her body that is causing this to happen? When we got home from the weekend, I googled epilepsy, seizures, and mercury. I wasn't surprised to see there was a connection. I did talk with my cousin a little about her amalgams (and she does have them), and she was receptive to what I had to share. I don't know if she will research it out on her own or if she'll have anything done, but she wants her life back - I could see it in her eyes after my aunt told her she had had a seizure.
How many more lives must mercury ruin before dentists and the ADA come to their senses and stop the use of amalgam fillings?!?!?!
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