Today I sat and re-read again most of the Hal Huggins book "It's All In Your Head". I realized there was much I forgot about when reading it two times before. One of the signs of mercury poisoning is loss of short term memory. I'm not surprised at all that I have to read something over and over again to get any of it to stick in my brain. It's been like that since I was a child (and I had amalgam fillings placed at a very young age).
I got curious about him possibly having a website, so I started searching and found it. Dr. Huggins started researching the effects of mercury toxicity in the 70's, and as far as I know has only written the two books that I own, "It's All In Your Head" and "Uninformed Consent". Both are excellent for information regarding mercury toxicity, and it's again shedding some light on root canals that I had forgotten about as well. I'm not so sure now having my two root canals done was the right thing to do after all! I am hoping to do more research on it and find out. In the meantime, I will continue on getting rid of the amalgam first. If I don't start seeing improvement in a about a year when that is gone, then I'll consider having the root canal-ed teeth pulled, but we'll see.
Here also is a website listing the Huggins books as well as a few others.
Today what stuck with me the most as I read was the way mercury can cause chronic fatigue. I've been anemic since I was for sure a teen, maybe younger. I've always been tired, and I was intrigued (once again) to learn of how mercury finds its way to the bloodstream and blocks oxygen from getting to where it needs to go in the body by taking the oxygen's place in the hemoglobin and forces it to be discharged from the body instead. I am not sure where he said it, but Dr. Huggins mentioned in one of his two books an easy way to understand what mercury does in the body. If you think of a specific area of your body, say the blood and oxygen, think of the blood as a toy and the oxygen as a battery. What mercury does is pretend to be a "battery" and sneaks into the spot where the oxygen is supposed to go. Now the oxygen has nowhere to go, and the mercury doesn't work at all like a battery. The rest of the body doesn't recognize this toy (just like a kid no longer wants to play with a toy when there are no batteries to make it work), and ignores it. The body still needs oxygen for energy, so it compensates by making more blood cells. Unfortunately if mercury is still available in the system, it will continue to keep sneaking in before the oxygen can. This makes sense from a medical standpoint as well, because in blood tests of a mercury toxic patient who is feeling fatigued, the tests will not show signs of anemia on paper. The body is faking out the tests because there is enough hemoglobin, just not enough oxygen attached to it.
Just some food for thought for today. :)
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