Friday, July 27, 2007

Good day! Thanks for stopping by again! I do want to introduce you to the rest of the family so that when I share about them you'll know who I'm talking about. My husband is "Sparky" (not to be confused with Chevy Chase's character from the National Lampoons Movies!). My oldest child is "Peanut", my youngest "Doshi"...and we have two four-legged friends. The big one is "Shadow" (she fits it to a T!), and the other one is "Pretty Kitty". They are all (except Pretty Kitty) camping fanatics, too, so they'll hang around the campfire with us from time to time.

I'm hoping today is a better day. I went in for a chiropractic adjustment last night because I was having constant dizzy spells since last Saturday. My chiropractor found a ligament in my neck that was so out of line it was protruding out of the left side of my neck. She adjusted it back into place along with a lot of others that were out. I felt sore in my neck area and a lot of pressure still in my head after it, but I had no dizzy spells the rest of the evening. I did, however, have two small dizzy spells upon waking this morning while laying in bed. I probably slept wrong and sent the ligament out of alignment again. We'll see how the day goes.

Here is an article I found today that might be of some interest. I of course lean toward the belief that mercury (in any form) is harmful to the body, and when I find articles that tout the safety of amalgam, I note that they are most likely written by someone from the ADA (or a subsidiary of) and can't change their statements to the public because if they admit at all that mercury is unstable in any form, they would be liable to millions and millions of lawsuits.

I must get on with my day. I hope yours is going well, and I'll be back real soon...

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